Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Oh Sith !!!

Star Wars ended on a good note last Wednesday night. Tied up the ends as neatly as it could and was filled with some nice goosebumpy moments, not the least of them being the "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away" screen right at the beginning.

What made this movie better than it was, was the fact the everyone knew where it was going. And it wasn't going somewhere pretty was it? Everyone knows that made it even more fun. You knew this love story, this friendship, this good world was going to turn sour very soon. I think people love when they can connect with things too. They could feel a lot of dialogues from the movie. Granted, the romatic dialogues were not great but how can they ever really fit into a story like this. There were certain utterances however that fit in, not only with the movie but with the general state of the world, prompting comparisions with Iraq and Bush-bashing and stuff. The declaration of Palpatine to set up an empire to bring peace, the talking of absolutes and taking sides in a war and the now oft reported "If you are not with me you are my enemy", all brought forward connotations galore.

As pure entertainment the movie was much better than Clones. And although some people absolutely despise Phantom Menace, it's one movie I kinda like. This one beat both of them hands down though. The fights were awesome and I think the Obi Wan - Anakin fight lived up. Ewan McGregor was good enough in Phantom Menace, surprisingly bland in Clones and pretty much brilliant here. I think he kinda thrives when there's a bit of mischief thrown into his character (for reference see Trainspotting). Hayden Christensen was pretty bland in Clones too, to put it mildly. Just did not seem interested in acting there. This time though he beautifully acted out Anakin's desparation, confusion and ultimate fall. The Emperor was brilliant and Yoda was....well Yoda he was yes??

The only disappointing bit in the movie...so little of Natalie Portman..but then she is one of my favorite actresses and even if she took up 90 percent of screen time, i'd still say she could have had more. :)All in all..a nice completion to a much-maligned (and often undeservedly) trilogy. I think Lucas did manage to redeem it to a large extent even in face of mindless, belittle-all critics.Nice work...as I say this was some good sith.

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