Thursday, June 02, 2005


The world should by all logical conclusions be ending in about half a century!!! Way to get you attention huh??

It's not just a theory I have. Oh no!! The sun won't expand to engulf us nor will a comet come in to hit us before Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck manage to dig into it and shatter it to pieces. I'm just talking logic here. Humans are bound to destroy something big in the next half a century...and it might just be Earth, or at least life as we know it on Earth.

Think about it. We have all studied science during our time. I'm sure most of us don't remember the concepts of entropy. Well, simply put entropy is the measure of chaos or disorder in a system. And what the basic theory of science postulates is that left alone any system would see increase in the levels of entropy. Human race has been moving towards entropy ever since it resided in caves. Oh yeah, some would counter that civilization evolved and that is a sign of order, but is it....really!!! I'm not talking about law and order systems and constitutions and societies. That happenned when the human race system was NOT left alone. Humans were actually thinking in terms of humans then not groups.

But then civilization brought about societies, which brought about countries and religions and sects and races and all the good shit. And we have reached a point now where we don't talk in terms of humans anymore, we talk in terms of groups. We don't talk in terms of the survival of the individual, we talk in terms of the survival of the society or the race or the country. And that leads to conflicts. Now I heard this someplace, probably in a movie, that a person is wise and intelligent, people on the other hand are complete utter idiots. And so when we turn ourselves into idiots and start fighting, what we get in simple terms is the chaos we have today...entropy.

So the original question, can the human race survive this chaos? Lets see, we have possibilities of nuclear wars between countries like N. Korea, Iran, Isreal, India, China, Pakistan, Russia and the biggest baddest war veteran US. Not to mention those damned elusive biological and chemical WMDs. We have terrorists in so many places that you could count the places WITHOUT them on one hand. You have rogue nations (which in itself needs such a huge definition) spread throughout the world from the far east to Africa to the Americas. On a smaller level have religious wars, race hate crimes, caste conflicts, sects fighting amongst themselves. Any of these instances escalated enough could destroy most of the human race, at least as we know it. But thats not all is it.

Forget the fighting groups and countries at war. We have deforestation, ozone troubles, greenhouse warming, ice caps melting, resulting man-made tsunamis, pollution, toxic waste, energy troubles, depletion of resources, new uncurable diseases....holy shit the human race seems to be doomed eh??

Well, it does!!! Humans for all we know are one of the youngest races in the universe. Humans are mere infants in terms of the age of the universe. But seeing that few planets actually support life, earth is a very special cradle. It would be a shame then, if the infant burnt down it's own cradle wouldn't it? And for all we know, the infant's already got the damn thing doused in kerosene with a lighter in its hand. Entropy is on display ladies and gentlemen...

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